Dr. Zonggen Lee PhD
Designated Descendant of Dr. Haixia Ni
Dr. Lee, formerly a high-tech executive and venture capital investor, received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University and an MBA from UC Berkeley. Dr. Lee starts his medical career because of his father suffering from liver cancer. He then became a designated academic descendant of Dr. Ni Haixia, Master of TCM classic Formulas. Dr. Lee is well-known for his excellent clinical treatment of severe, acute and special complex disorders. He was invited to give lectures and guide Chinese and Western physicians in various medical institutions. He was an invited keynote speaker in the 50th Anniversary of China Medical University and the International Symposium on Classic Formulas of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Dr. Lee is Doctoral Program mentor at the American International Medical University. Currently, he is also invited to participate in the promotion of the "Western Medical Doctor to Chinese Medicine Doctor" policy of the State Council of China, to be an Advisor for Kaifeng Tongxu People's Hospital, Dongyuan Cardiovascular Hospital, Dongyuan Rehabilitation Hospital, etc., and to serve as the Director General of the "Dr. Ni Haixia Chinese Medicine Cultural Heritage Training Base" which is dedicated to providing advanced training program for thousands of experienced Medical Doctors studying in TCM Classic Formulas.
Dr. Lee is specialized in treatment of severe and critical illness as well as neurological and psychiatric diseases using TCM Classic Formulas. Dr. Lee is invited to present his expertise on Traditional Chinese medicine-facilitated treatments as psychiatric drug replacement therapy by the China Medical University, the Citizens' Human Rights Association (CCHR), the Kiwanis International, and the International Lions Club.
Dr. Lee, dedicated to integration of advanced Hi-Tech and Medical Sciences, is one of advocates to promote TCM big data analysis and artificial intelligence. He has served as a visiting scholar at Stanford University, an Advisor at the Taiwan Industrial Research Institute, and a Consultant of Medical Policy at the Beijing Municipal Government.