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Dr. Lingzhi Shi TCMD, PhD

(Dr. Linda Hao PhD)

Expert of Scalp Acupuncture

Dr. Linda Lingzhi Hao is a licensed and certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Beyond that training, she holds a doctorate degree of acupuncture from Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, with a concentration in Scalp acupuncture. She is also an appointed professor at Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she received her Master’s degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Linda Hao studied for four years under Dr. Sun Shentian, a highly acclaimed professor of Scalp acupuncture development and research. She also learned Scalp acupuncture from Dr. Jiao Shunfa, the founder of  the Scalp acupuncture. She is a successful practitioner of scalp acupuncture with a well-established practice. Her expertise with this specialized method of treatment has been the subject her lectures. She has collaborated with her husband, Dr. Jason Hao, in presenting seminars in various U.S. cities, including Santa Fe, Denver, Dallas, New York, Washington D.C., and most recently, in Europe.

Throughout her professional career, Dr. Linda Hao has published several articles in Acupuncture Today in USA, Chinese Journal of Information of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and The World Federation of Acupuncture in Beijing. Her articles about clinical research on fibromyalgia, published in Traditional Medicine and People’s Health by the Third International Congress on Traditional Medicine , was awarded the highest honor in Beijing, China in 2003.  Dr. Linda Hao was the associate editor-in-chief for a university textbook on Chinese Herbal Medicine published in China. She has also been featured in the Albuquerque Journal and New Mexico Women Magazine.

Dr. Linda Hao is president of the National Healthcare Center in Albuquerque New Mexico, and is also the founder and vice president of the International Academy of Scalp Acupuncture.

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The 4th ICTMHW
2020 Vancouver

Conference designated gift

Moxa Lady Healing Bad 

Secretary:Ms Mao


Ticketing: Ms.Zhu 1-778-989-0677

Purchase tickets address:BG Acupunture Clinic 203-5679 Imperial St,  Burnaby, BC ,V5J 1G1 Canada

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